To make emergency repairs, you’ll need some basic tools. Sockets are essential for most car repairs, so it’s a good idea to have an assortment of them. You’ll need both six millimeter and 19 millimeter sockets as well as ratchets and extensions. Work gloves can protect your hands from oil and grease while working under the hood. A pair of disposable gloves is also handy for helping an injured passenger.
Some common tools include a small roll of mechanic’s wire, spare fuses, a jack, and electrical tape. These items can help you with a variety of roadside maladies. You can also carry an extra small sports bag with your tools. Having some basic tools with you while driving can make emergency repairs a snap. Just be sure to follow all of your vehicle’s maintenance schedules, because failing to do so can void your warranty.
For extra protection, keep jumper cables, wire cutters, and pliers in your vehicle. Jumper cables are handy if your car loses power, which can happen when your battery is old or faulty. Also keep in mind that your vehicle’s tires may have become buried under snow or ice. If you can, bring tire chains and a small shovel so you can dig out the tires. Another handy tool is a scraper, which is handy for clearing windshields and ice. De-icer can be used when icy weather is on the way.
Besides pliers, you should also invest in an impact wrench. These are electric-powered and give you great leverage. A good impact wrench is very useful for replacing lug nuts in a hurry. A torque wrench is also a must-have. It helps you tighten fasteners to specified torques. This is important for the safety of your car, so you should invest in these tools.
A multimeter can be extremely useful, especially if you’re traveling. It will help you know when a particular component is about to fail and can plan your repair budget. Similarly, a knife is handy for separating things. You can also use it to cut seatbelts and cut glass. Zip ties can help you organize wires. These tools are useful in any emergency situation, as they can be used to pull your car out of a snow bank.
An emergency toolkit will save your life if you’re in an accident. A basic car repair kit will include a jack, lug wrench, screwdriver to remove hubcaps, duct tape, WD-40, and antifreeze. It’s also wise to have a pocket knife and a tire gauge. A tire gauge will help you keep track of the pressure in the tires.
A basic car toolkit will help you fix most common car issues. Although the tools are not the most expensive, they’ll help you complete simple tasks faster. If you’re unfamiliar with automotive repair, having the proper tools is essential for the best results. Most automotive experts recommend purchasing a set of automotive tools. A good basic toolkit will save you money in the long run. You can also use these tools to do small repairs yourself and save time waiting for a repair shop.